Member Tips: Breaking Through The Clutter: Garnering Positive News Coverage

If you missed this week’s seminar “Breaking Through The Clutter: Garnering Positive News Coverage” here are some helpful tips and information from Holsapple Communications.



  1. What is your name and how do you spell it?
  2. Why are we here today?
  3. Why did you choose to focus your project on this topic?
  4. What do you hope the community learns from your project?
  5. What are the next steps you will take to make your project successful?


  1. Look at the reporter, not the camera
    1. You will feel more comfortable and at ease if you’re talking to a person rather than a camera lens.
  2. Be conversational
    1. If you stumble or say “um” while giving an answer, that’s ok! People stumble and say “um” in everyday speak all the time. If you stumble or say “um” every other word, kindly ask the reporter if you can stop and start again. Unless the interview is live, reporters will usually offer this courtesy. After all, they want the best soundbite, too.
  3. Be yourself and talk how you talk
    1. If you don’t normally use words with 16 syllables, why start now?! You will come across more confident if explain your project in your own words, not those you found in an encyclopedia.
  4. Slow down!
    1. Imagine you are explaining your project to your 90-year-old grandma, who doesn’t hear well. Speak slowly (not unnaturally) and enunciate. It doesn’t matter how amazing your project is if your audience can’t understand what you’re saying.
  5. Smile!
    1. The mantra “it doesn’t matter what people think of you” does NOT apply to TV interviews. You want people to think you’re kind and approachable so show those pearly whites!


  1. Make sure the reporter/photographer has all the visuals they need to tell the story.
  2. If you have a website or call-to-action, offer that information to the reporter so he/she can put it on the station’s site.
  3. Find out when the story will air.
  4. Follow the reporter on social media. If they post the story, be sure to repost.