Happy 243rd Birthday, America from RJL Solutions

The Chamber would like to welcome guest blogger, Rachel Leslie and the team from RJL Solutions. This month RJL Solutions sponsored downtown happenings and offered a details on why July is so important to each of them – and their business.

Happy 243 rd Birthday, America

What does being an American mean to you? When asking my team that question in a simple exercise, beyond the expected answer of freedom, the most common reflection included opportunity. However, it didn’t take long to start talking about those we know who have served and are serving now. As a
team, we recognize opportunity has many faces. Those who serve represent the faces of each American opportunity; they represent the hopes and dreams of every child and every person’s desire to prosper.

Freedom is not inexpensive. It’s a pricey advantage every American has over any other place in the world. It’s what makes us unique and powerful.
On this upcoming holiday, we are paying extra attention to its meaning. As a firm, we have the opportunity to work with the Indiana Office of Defense Development (IODD), some of Indiana’s distinct military assets, the National Center for Complex Operations (NCCO) and the National Defense Industrial
Association of Indiana (NDIA). In different ways, we touch the economics of the defense industry.

However, we’ve learned to appreciate something much more meaningful. Although the defense industry is an economic staple, allowing businesses of all sizes to engage with problem-solving matters, it’s about the faces, the warfighters. Every business has the opportunity to help solve problems for the
men and women on the front line, developing innovative solutions to the tools necessary to protect them, protect us, protect our freedom and offer us new opportunity. So, as we celebrate America’s birthday, we celebrate those on the frontline, those serving and those equipping them to serve safer.
Therefore, if you’re a business helping find new solutions for our military, thank you. If you’re interested in learning more about how to get involved, reach out and we’ll be happy to help get you connected.

There is a place for everyone in this dialogue.
As we plan our menus for the upcoming holiday and which fireworks we’re going to watch, the RJL Solutions team will be thinking about how we are just a very small part of a bigger conversation. We will reflect with a grateful heart and yearn to do more. We will see opportunity through the faces of our friends and family who served and are currently serving. We will seek out others who have something to offer in order to keep our warfighters safer. We will celebrate America’s birthday while thinking how we can do more.

Happy Birthday, America.
The RJL Solutions Team
Rachel, Jenn, Betsy, Hannah, Anna and Vittoria